Programming Experience

General Ledger Reconcilliation

This accounting software bridges the gap between the reports you download from your favorite accounting software, and the spreadsheets you utilize to analyze the data. Long gone are the days of opening up spreadsheets and updating dates and account balances manually. With the press of a button, users are able to create or update a spreadsheet for every account number in the GL. New tabs in spreadsheets will be created, dates and figures will be updated as well. This results in more time for the accountant to focus on revenue generating pursuits.

Personal Finance Tracker

This custom Personal Finance Program was my original passion project.Having spent years mastering accounting and personal finance, I utilized my knowlege to springboard a personal project that allows users to track their finances with the same accuracy that I use every week. This program relies heavily on Flask and SQLite3, demonstraing my ability to mange databases and work with HTML/CSS/Javascript. This project was great because I was able to blend my two passions and create a program that can help educate its user with better lifelong disicipline.

Instagram Giveaway Generator

When I realized that I had a few contacts in the industry that were hosting online giveaways, I heard the cries of pain when it came to picking a winner. They were wasting hours determining and double-checking the winner. Utilizing Flask, Selenium, Beautiful Soup and Pandas, I was able to reduce hours of clients work into minutes. They were happy, their clients were interacting with them more and their prizes sooner.